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My journey with ATtiny4313

The context For a personal project, I want to program an Atmel ATtiny4313 microcontroller. I use microcontrollers for several years, but not on a regular basis (maybe 3-4 times a year), mostly for testing and generally with a deceptive result. But failure isn't the best training? This article aims to share my errors and success, as well as being a personal log. The environment Here is the environment I'm using: Linux Ubuntu 20.04 Arduino IDE 1.8.19 installed as snap (containerized application) Arduino Mini rev 5 Arduino usb2serial board Breadboard Programming the Programmer The idea is to program the Arduino Mini to behave as an ISP, In-System Programmer, compatible with STK500. Once done, the ISP will communicate with the ATtiny via the SPI port. Place the components on the breadboard and do the wiring as follows: Note: To have a better timing, I had to add an 8 MHz crystal between pins 4 and 5, as well as 2 * 15

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