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My journey with ATTiny4313 (part 3)

Part 3: More than blinking Adding MIDI Adding the configuration of USART is straightforward. ... ; ========================================================= ; Main routine ; ========================================================= main: ... ; --------------------------------- ; Configuration of USART for MIDI ; --------------------------------- ldi r16, (1<<UDRE) STORE UCSRA, r16 ; Asynchronous Normal mode, buffer empty ldi r16, (1<<TXEN) STORE UCSRB, r16 ; Enable the transmitter, but not the receiver ldi r16, (1<<UCSZ1|1<<UCSZ0) STORE UCSRC, r16 ; 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit ; Setting the speed to 31250 bauds ; UBRR = (fosc / 16 * BAUD) - 1 ; = (8000000 / 16 * 31250) - 1 ; = 15 = 0x0f ldi r16, 0x00 STORE UBRRH, r16 ldi r16, 0x0f STORE UBRRL, r16 After the loop, we check the LOOP LED; if the LED is off, we send a MIDI NOTE ON and light on the LED. Ot

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