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C++ : a nasty bug

It took me 2 days to figure out this bug in C++. The context I use ncurses and I want to manage several windows. I created a class (Window) with all the methods I need. class Window { private: WINDOW *win; ... public: ... } No issue here. To store my objects, I used a vector of pointers: std::vector<Window*> Windows; The bug I want to create 2 windows, so I did the following: Window *A = new Window(...); // Instantiate the class Window, implicitely calling the constructor Windows.push_back(*A); // Adding object A to the vectors Window *B = new Window(...); // New instantiation Windows.push_back(*B); // Adding object B to the vectors The bug was here: when I pushed back the second object (B), the memory manager decided to reallocate the vectors, because vectors must be contiguous. Doing so implicitely called the destructor of the first object; the window A disappeared. Possible solutions Reserve memory for the vectors Windo...

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