Multitab menu in HTML 5

How to create a multitab menu in HTML 5? The basic idea is to deal with visibility of the elements.

The basic elements

Let's say we have 2 tabs; each tab is a button element:

   <button class="tab"> Tab 1 </button>
   <button class="tab"> Tab 2 </button>
Each tab is associated with a div element as content. We define a common class, such as "content", and an id to distinguish each content:
<div id="1" class="content">
<div id="2" class="content">
Now, we can use a style (either in HTML code or in a CSS) to hide all elements associated with the class named "content":
   .content {
      display: none;

Visual feedback

To provide a visual feedback, we define a style to show vivid colors when the user move the mouse on a tab (hover). Also, when the tab is selected, the background color goes to white:

   .tab button {
      background-color: #ccc;
      opacity: 0.5;

   .tab button:hover {
      opacity: 1;

   .tab {
      background-color: white;

Managing the tabs

This is now time to manage the tabs and contents. When the user click on a tab, we want all other tab to become inactive; this is achieved with some javascript:

  function opentab(evt) {
     var i, t;
     t = document.getElementsByClassName("tab");
     for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
        t[i].className = t[i].className.replace(" active", "");
     evt.currentTarget.className += " active";
Now, we need to call this function on click:
   <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event);"> Tab 1 </button>
   <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event);"> Tab 2 </button>

Displaying the content

To display the content, we will show the div corresponding to the selected tab. We modify our script to add the id of the content to display:

  function opentab(evt, cnt) {
     var i, t;
     t = document.getElementsByClassName("tab");
     for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
        t[i].className = t[i].className.replace(" active", "");
     evt.currentTarget.className += " active";
  /* We hide all the elements from class "content" */
     t = document.getElementsByClassName("content");
     for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
        t[i].style.display = "none";
  /* We show all the elements with id "cnt" (usually only one) */
     t = document.getElementsById(cnt);
     for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
        t[i].style.display = "block";
With the ternary operator, we can compact the code:
  function opentab(evt, cnt) {
     var i, t;
     t = document.getElementsByClassName("tab");
     for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
        t[i].className = t[i].className.replace(" active", "");
     evt.currentTarget.className += " active";
  /* Hide all "content" elements but the one in parameters */
     t = document.getElementsByClassName("content");
     for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
        t[i].style.display = (t[i].id==cnt)?"block":"none";
Now, we add the id of the content:
   <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event,'1');"> Tab 1 </button>
   <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event,'2');"> Tab 2 </button>
It is not necessary to distinguish each tab with an "id"; the event will target only the tab just clicked.

Full code

Here is the full code

      .content {
        display: none;
      .tab button {
        background-color: #ccc;
        opacity: 0.5;
      .tab button:hover {
        opacity: 1;
      .tab {
        background-color: white;
      function opentab(evt, cnt) {
        var i, t;
        t = document.getElementsByClassName("tab");
        for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
          t[i].className = t[i].className.replace(" active", "");
        evt.currentTarget.className += " active";
        t = document.getElementsByClassName("content");
        for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
          t[i].style.display = (t[i].id==cnt)?"block":"none";
      <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event,'1');"> Tab 1 </button>
      <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event,'2');"> Tab 2 </button>
    <div id="1" class="content">
      This is the content of tab 1.
    <div id="2" class="content">
      This is the content of tab 2.

A more complex example: menu and submenus

In this example, we use 3 levels of menus and submenus

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
      .content {
        display: none;
      .tab button {
        background-color: #ccc;
        opacity: 0.5;
      .tab button:hover {
        opacity: 1;
      .tab {
        background-color: white;
      function opentab(evt, str, cnt) {
        var i, t;
        t = document.getElementsByClassName("tab");
        for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
          t[i].className = t[i].className.replace(" active", "");
        evt.currentTarget.className += " active";
        t = str.getElementsByClassName("content");
        for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
          t[i].style.display = (t[i].id==cnt)?"block":"none";
      <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event,document.body,'1');"> Tab 1 </button>
      <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event,document.body,'2');"> Tab 2 </button>
    <div id="1" class="content">
        <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event,document.getElementById('1'),'11');"> Tab 11 </button>
        <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event,document.getElementById('1'),'12');"> Tab 12 </button>
      <div id="11" class="content">
          <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event,document.getElementById('11'),'111');"> Tab 111 </button>
          <button class="tab" onclick="opentab(event,document.getElementById('11'),'112');"> Tab 212 </button>
        <div id="111" class="content">
          This is the content of tab 111.
        <div id="112" class="content">
          This is the content of tab 112.
      <div id="12" class="content">
        This is the content of tab 12.
    <div id="2" class="content">
      This is the content of tab 2.


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