Behringer X32/Midas M32 config.bak
The info in the blog are based on my own experience and for information only. If you f**k up your board by editing the file, it's your choice and your responsability.
The X32/M32 core engine is a PC board running a customized Linux. What is cool with this is most configuration files are actually text files, that can be stored on an USB bey and edited. If you know a little bit of vi
and awk
, you can edit the files directly.
This file contains a backup of the board configuration (all parameters). It's a text file, divided in multiple sections.
How a channel (odd) is linked to the next one (even). There is one toggle (ON
or OFF
) for 2 channels.
/config/chlink ON ON ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF /config/auxlink ON ON ON ON /config/fxlink ON ON ON ON /config/buslink ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF /config/mtxlink ON OFF OFFFor example,
on the first position indicates Channel 1 and 2 are linked:
/config/chlink ON ON ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF ^^ Channels 1 and 2 are linked.The same principle applies to aux, FX, bus and matrices.
/config/mute ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF
/config/linkcfg ON ON ON ON
/config/mono LR+M OFF
/config/solo 0.0 LRAFL 0.0 PFL PFL PFL OFF OFF OFF -6 ON OFF OFF 0.3 OFF OFF OFF /config/talk ON EXT /config/talk/A -12.0 OFF OFF %000000000000000000 /config/talk/B -12.0 OFF ON %000000000000000000 /config/osc -40.0 100.2 1k00 F1 WHITE 0The Oscillator is in the Monitor section .
/config/userrout/out 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /config/userrout/in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- The configuration of Routing
- Inputs (REC or PLAY)
/config/routing REC
- Channel Processing Block Patch, Inputs
/config/routing/IN AN1-8 A9-16 AN17-24 A1-8 AUX1-4
- AES50A Outputs
/config/routing/AES50A OUT1-8 OUT9-16 A1-8 A9-16 P161-8 P169-16
- AES50B Outputs
/config/routing/AES50B OUT1-8 OUT9-16 OUT1-8 OUT9-16 P161-8 P169-16
- Expansion Card Outputs
/config/routing/CARD B1-8 B9-16 B17-24 B25-32
- XLR Outputs
/config/routing/OUT AN1-4 AN5-8 AN9-12 AN13-16
- Channel Processing Block Patch, Inputs in Play mode
/config/routing/PLAY CARD1-8 CARD9-16 CARD17-24 CARD25-32 AUX1-4
- Set A, screen bank color (CYAN)
/config/userctrl/A CY
- Set A, encoders
/config/userctrl/A/enc "X001" "X101" "X201" "X300"
- Set A, buttons
/config/userctrl/A/btn "O40" "O42" "X201" "X300" "P0051" "P0052" "P0053" "P0058"
/config/userctrl/B GN /config/userctrl/B/enc "DG" "DJ" "DK" "DL" /config/userctrl/B/btn "P0010" "P0011" "P0012" "P0013" "A0" "A1" "P0000" "P0000" /config/userctrl/C YE /config/userctrl/C/enc "U2" "U1" "-" "U0" /config/userctrl/C/btn "U11" "U10" "P0036" "U09" "U00" "U06" "U02" "U05"
/config/tape 0.0 0.0 OFF /config/amixenable OFF OFF /config/dp48 %0000 0 AESA /config/dp48/assign 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /config/dp48/link 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 /config/dp48/grpname "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
/ch/01/config "MatrixBrute" 1 BL 1 /ch/01/delay OFF 0.3 /ch/01/preamp +0.0 OFF OFF 24 20 /ch/01/gate OFF GATE -80.0 60.0 10 50.2 258 0 /ch/01/gate/filter OFF 3.0 990.9 /ch/01/dyn OFF COMP PEAK LOG 0.0 3.0 1 0.00 10 10.0 151 POST 0 100 OFF /ch/01/dyn/filter OFF 3.0 990.9 /ch/01/insert OFF POST OFF /ch/01/eq OFF /ch/01/eq/1 PEQ 124.7 +0.00 2.0 /ch/01/eq/2 PEQ 496.6 +0.00 2.0 /ch/01/eq/3 PEQ 1k97 +0.00 2.0 /ch/01/eq/4 HShv 10k02 +0.00 2.0 /ch/01/mix ON 0.0 ON -100 OFF -oo /ch/01/mix/01 ON -9.3 -100 EQ-> 0 /ch/01/mix/02 ON -9.3 ... /ch/01/mix/16 ON -oo /ch/01/grp %00000000 %000000 /ch/01/automix OFF +0.0
/auxin/01/config "Lexicon MPX1" 55 GN 33 /auxin/01/preamp +0.0 OFF /auxin/01/eq OFF /auxin/01/eq/1 PEQ 124.7 +0.00 2.0 ... /auxin/01/eq/4 HShv 10k02 +0.00 2.0 /auxin/01/mix ON +1.8 ON -100 OFF -oo /auxin/01/mix/01 ON -oo -100 EQ-> 0 /auxin/01/mix/02 ON -oo ... /auxin/01/mix/16 ON -oo /auxin/01/grp %00000000 %000000Same for AUX 01 to 08
/fxrtn/01/config "" 61 MG /fxrtn/01/eq OFF /fxrtn/01/eq/1 PEQ 124.7 +0.00 2.0 /fxrtn/01/eq/2 PEQ 496.6 +0.00 2.0 /fxrtn/01/eq/3 PEQ 1k97 +0.00 2.0 /fxrtn/01/eq/4 HShv 10k02 +0.00 2.0 /fxrtn/01/mix ON 0.0 ON -100 OFF -oo /fxrtn/01/mix/01 ON -oo -100 POST 0 /fxrtn/01/mix/02 ON -oo ... /fxrtn/01/mix/16 ON -ooSame for FX 01 to 08
/bus/01/config "DP24 Input A" 71 CY /bus/01/dyn OFF COMP RMS LOG 0.0 3.0 1 0.00 10 10.0 151 POST 0 100 OFF /bus/01/dyn/filter OFF 3.0 990.9 /bus/01/insert OFF PRE OFF /bus/01/eq OFF /bus/01/eq/1 LShv 79.6 +0.00 2.0 /bus/01/eq/2 PEQ 158.9 +0.00 2.0 /bus/01/eq/3 PEQ 496.6 +0.00 2.0 /bus/01/eq/4 PEQ 1k97 +0.00 2.0 /bus/01/eq/5 PEQ 5k02 +0.00 2.0 /bus/01/eq/6 HShv 10k02 +0.00 2.0 /bus/01/mix ON 0.0 ON -100 OFF -8.5 /bus/01/mix/01 ON -oo -100 POST 0 /bus/01/mix/02 ON -oo /bus/01/mix/03 ON -oo -100 POST 0 /bus/01/mix/04 ON -oo /bus/01/mix/05 ON -oo -100 POST 0 /bus/01/mix/06 ON -oo /bus/01/grp %00000000 %000000Same for Bus 01 to 16
/mtx/01/config "" 72 MG /mtx/01/preamp OFF /mtx/01/dyn OFF COMP RMS LOG 0.0 3.0 1 0.00 10 10.0 151 POST 100 OFF /mtx/01/dyn/filter OFF 3.0 990.9 /mtx/01/insert OFF PRE OFF /mtx/01/eq OFF /mtx/01/eq/1 LShv 79.6 +0.00 2.0 /mtx/01/eq/2 PEQ 158.9 +0.00 2.0 /mtx/01/eq/3 PEQ 496.6 +0.00 2.0 /mtx/01/eq/4 PEQ 1k97 +0.00 2.0 /mtx/01/eq/5 PEQ 5k02 +0.00 2.0 /mtx/01/eq/6 HShv 10k02 +0.00 2.0 /mtx/01/mix ON +0.2Same for Matrix 01 to 06
/main/st/config "" 66 WH /main/st/dyn OFF COMP RMS LOG 0.0 3.0 1 0.00 10 10.0 151 POST 100 OFF /main/st/dyn/filter OFF 3.0 990.9 /main/st/insert OFF PRE OFF /main/st/eq OFF /main/st/eq/1 LShv 79.6 +0.00 2.0 /main/st/eq/2 PEQ 158.9 +0.00 2.0 /main/st/eq/3 PEQ 496.6 +0.00 2.0 /main/st/eq/4 PEQ 1k97 +0.00 2.0 /main/st/eq/5 PEQ 5k02 +0.00 2.0 /main/st/eq/6 HShv 10k02 +0.00 2.0 /main/st/mix ON -4.5 +0 /main/st/mix/01 ON -oo +0 POST 0 /main/st/mix/02 ON -oo /main/st/mix/03 ON -oo +0 POST 0 /main/st/mix/04 ON -oo /main/st/mix/05 ON -oo +0 POST 0 /main/st/mix/06 ON -oo /main/st/grp %00000000 %000000Same for Mono Output (/main/m/config)
/dca/1 ON -oo /dca/1/config "TX816 A" 70 CYSame for DCA 1 to 8
/fx/1 VRM /fx/1/source MIX13 MIX13 /fx/1/par 62 0.75 18 4 50 3.5 0.40 3.63 143 604 58 124 OFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Same for FX 1 to 8
/outputs/main/01 4 POST OFF /outputs/main/01/delay OFF 0.5 ... /outputs/main/16 75 POST OFF /outputs/main/16/delay OFF 0.3 /outputs/aux/01 0 POST OFF ... /outputs/aux/06 5 POST OFF /outputs/p16/01 26 <-EQ OFF /outputs/p16/01/iQ OFF none Linear 0 ... /outputs/p16/16 41 <-EQ OFF /outputs/p16/16/iQ OFF none Linear 0 /outputs/aes/01 74 POST OFF /outputs/aes/02 75 POST OFF /outputs/rec/01 3 IN/LC /outputs/rec/02 3 IN/LC
/headamp/000 +14.0 OFF /headamp/001 +14.0 OFF ... /headamp/127 +14.0 OFF
awk '/\/ch\/..*\/config/ {print $5, $2}' console.bak